Welcome to your online sari-sari store market for all things TRPG related.

D&D event cancellations got you down? Minicons suspended? That’s all right. Play a game online, and take a look at all the amazing local merchants that are ready to supply you with all that you need to play during these trying times.

Stay safe, stay online, support local.

Online goods and provincial service

For your perusal

These are online shops that are currently affected by the lockdown, i.e. shops that need to ship physical goods etc. to customers and have no online-only means of doing business. They still need our support!

Thank you, friends.

In light of the partial Metro Manila lockdown and all the cancelled event and conventions, so many of our friends who aim to enable and enrich our tabletop experiences are also challenged by the loss of avenues to show their art and wares. This is a challenging time, with cancellations and shifting priorities (which is only too understandable, and needed!).

While this won’t replace the effectivity of having people browse our wares IRL, every eyeball, every exposure counts!

If you’re a local crafter, artist, or merchant, we’d like to invite you to join this initiative and list your online shop here. There are zero charges, there is no catch, we’ll list your online shop/page with whatever content you’d like to provide us. Just send hey at meepling.com an email and we’ll get you sorted.

We don’t know when the situation will improve, and when this page will no longer be needed. The sooner, the better; but it will be here as long as it’s needed.

Any support you can extend by sharing, tweeting, etc. will be very much appreciated. <3

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